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Why You Should Hire a Ranger

Writer: Jeremy NobleJeremy Noble

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained Soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

You can hear these words among others from The Ranger Creed shouted thunderously each morning on the compound of the 75th Ranger Regiment. The words are a pledge from each Ranger- a verbal representation of the organization’s culture- with their seriousness underlined by the aggressive rhythm by which they are recited. Hearing them echo across the Ranger compound always made me stand a little taller.

I served as the Regimental Psychologist for the 75th Ranger Regiment from 2016 to 2021 and would describe that time as one of the most professionally fulfilling periods of my life. I have never before or since experienced a culture so obsessed with bettering themselves and their organization nor have I worked with such exceptional human beings.

As the unit’s operational psychologist, I am intimately aware of the personality of the Ranger as I assessed them upon entry into the organization, coached them as they sought proficiency in their work, and saw them in action overseas as they expertly demonstrated their craft. If you are a business leader, you want a Ranger on your team, and I’ll tell you why.

Rangers are Specially Selected

Everyone who enters the 75th Ranger Regiment must undergo a weeks-long assessment process. Everyone. Not just infantrymen. Cooks, parachute riggers, intel analysts, doctors, all go through the same grueling process to don the tan beret and serve in the organization.

Why does this matter?

Anyone who served in the Ranger Regiment has already been vetted, thoroughly. Rangers, especially those who served in leadership positions, have undergone a plethora of psychological testing and other forms of assessment to ensure they are conscientious, emotionally stable, and adequately intelligent. Have a chance to hire someone from the Ranger Regiment? Probability says they are exceptional in the domains that matter.

Rangers are More Resilient

First off, those who are deemed to lack resilience are screened out prior to entering the organization. There’s a higher probability of being exposed to traumatic events and greater hardship overall given the time away from family and the physically demanding lifestyle. Therefore, those with greater vulnerability to developing a psychological disorder are screened out prior to entry.

Those who remain live a life of hardship…willingly. They are each expected to complete Ranger School- a grueling 62-day course with more soldiers failing than graduating. Those who have completed Ranger School have carried 100+ pounds of gear up and down the Blue Ridge Mountains and have waded through the alligator-invested swamps of Florida in the dark, all while doing so with an hour or so of sleep per night and no more than 2200 calories per day. To say Rangers are tough would be an understatement.

Why does this matter?

Assessing for emotional stability in job candidates is a tricky thing in the civilian world and can quickly lead to a lawsuit if done inappropriately. That question is already answered with a Ranger. Not only are they already screened for emotional stability, but they have hardened their resilience through years of hardship.

Rangers are More Intelligent

Since intelligence is one of the greater predictors of job success, it was a heavily-weighted variable when assessing job candidates for the Ranger Regiment. As such, the average IQ of a Ranger is higher than 85% of the general population with many scoring in the range of Mensa members.

Why does this matter?

Intelligence matters. More intelligent workers require less training time as they pick up tasks more quickly. What's more, when you break intelligence down into its components, Rangers are highly adept in the fluid, nonverbal cognitive domains. In other words, they can process information at high speeds and are gifted problem-solvers.

Rangers are Disagreeable Givers

Organizational Psychologist, Adam Grant, talks about “givers” and “takers” in the workplace. Givers are selfless and takers are selfish. He also notes that people vary in their levels of agreeableness. Some are agreeable – friendly and compliant. Some are disagreeable – willing to express dissent. When you combine the two categories, you get four types of people: agreeable givers, agreeable takers, disagreeable givers, and disagreeable takers. Grant says you want disagreeable givers in your organization. These are people who are willing to speak up when they disagree with an action or policy but their hearts are always in the right place. They are disagreeing for the good of the organization. Rangers are disagreeable givers in every sense of the word.

Why does this matter?

As leaders progress, their self-awareness halts. That’s because they have fewer and fewer peers to give them candid feedback, and the voices they do hear are the sycophants who are trying to get in the boss’s good graces. Rangers won’t brownnose. They will tell you the honest truth even if it’s not easy to hear. They are the disagreeable givers that will keep you on azimuth.

Rangers are Quiet Professionals

There’s a reason why many civilians aren’t familiar with the 75th Ranger Regiment. Despite a rich history that stretches back to the early days of our nation’s founding, the quiet professional nature in which Rangers operate lends little room for self-promotion and marketing. Humility is valued in the organization and those who crave the spotlight are not welcome there.

Why does this matter?

Rangers don’t work for recognition. They work because they are intrinsically motivated by progress and growth. They won’t be the kiss-up/kick-down employee with sharp elbows that creates a toxic work environment. They’ll put their head down and work hard because that’s what they do.

Rangers are Leaders

Embedded in the culture of the 75th Ranger Regiment is the emphasis on leadership. Everyone is a leader and an exceptional one at that. Some have led squads into combat. Others have been responsible for specialty departments consisting of soldiers, government civilians, and contractors. Regardless of their position in the organization, chances are they know how to lead, because the culture of the organization has taught them how.

Why does this matter?

Most people are placed into leadership positions without knowing how to actually be a leader. This is known as the “Peter Principle” in which a person who is competent at their job will be promoted to a position that requires a different set of skills. Many managers are placed in their position without sufficient leadership training and are forced to figure it out as they go. This isn’t a concern with a Ranger. Leadership is woven into the fabric of the organization from which they came.


A Ranger is a special breed of human. Not only did they volunteer to join the military, but they voluntarily took one of the most challenging paths in the Army. They willingly agreed to put themselves through months of hardship to come out the other side more resilient. They crave growth, welcome challenges, and are invested in improving any organization in which they belong. Rangers can move further, faster, and fight harder than anyone else. Want someone who can’t be outworked? Hire a Ranger. What about someone who can process information more quickly than most and one that will give you honest feedback? Hire a Ranger. Want a quiet professional who can lead your employees effectively and take your company to the next level? Hire a Ranger.

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