Board Certified in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology
Personnel Selection
In his groundbreaking book Good to Great, Jim Collins shares his findings that great organizations place an extraordinary amount of emphasis on hiring the right people. You can't build a house without a solid foundation. The same is true for a company.
An adequate hiring program has three major components: 1) the desired traits are clearly defined, 2) those traits are accurately and reliably measured, and 3) results are objectively scored and used to make hiring decisions.
Whether your program needs tweaking or a complete overhaul, I can help.
Decide What to Assess
The first step is to identify what knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics are necessary for the job at entry. We'll develop a handful of critical attributes to differentiate job candidates.
Measure those Attributes
Next, it's important to measure those attributes in valid and reliable ways. In other words, we'll use psychological tests and a structured interview process to accurately and consistently measure candidate characteristics.
Score the Results
Then, we'll create a behaviorally anchored rating scale to quantify candidate performance in each of the identified categories. This minimizes the noise and bias that often comes with subjective human judgement.
Collect and Analyze Data
Finally, truly effective hiring programs are validated. This means they are able to prove that individuals who score better on their hiring metrics perform better once hired. Collecting and storing data appropriately now will set your organization up for success in the future and will increase the precision of your hiring program.